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Communist Party的翻译解释和例句-抓鸟(中文意思,文

Communist Party是指,是一种组织,旨在实现和主义的理想。

Communist Party的翻译解释和例句-抓鸟(中文意思,文

读音:[ˈkɒmjənɪst ˈpɑːti]

用法:Communist Party通常用作一个固定词组,表示指代某个或地区的。,“The Communist Party of China()is the ruling party in China.”


1. The Communist Party is the largest political party in the world, with over 90 million members.


2. The Soviet Union was governed by the Communist Party for over 70 years.


3. The Communist Party of Vietnam was founded in 1930 and has been in power since 1975.


4. The Communist Party of Cuba remains the only legal political party in Cuba.


5. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) merged with another party to form a new ruling party in Nepal.


同义词及用法:Communist Party可以与其他词语组合使用,表示不同的含义。,“communist party member”(党员)、“communist party ideology”(意识形态)、“communist party leader”()等。

编辑总结:Communist Party是一个常用的固定词组,指代某个或地区的。它的用法相对固定,通常用作主语或定语,表示组织或力量。在国际舞台上,Communist Party扮演着重要的角色,影响着世界各国的走向。


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