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committee什么意思? committee翻译(中文文):委员会 hellip

读音:英 [kəˈmɪti] 美 [kəˈmɪti]


例句1:The committee is responsible for reviewing and approving the budget. (这个负责审查和批准预算。)

committee什么意思? committee翻译(中文文):委员会 hellip

例句2:The committee will meet next week to discuss the new policies. (下周将开会讨论新。)

例句3:The committee members were chosen based on their expertise in the field. (成员是根据他们在该领域的专业知识被选定的。)

例句4:The committee has reached a decision after careful consideration. (经过慎重考虑,已经做出了决定。)

例句5:The committee presented their findings to the board of directors. (向董事会呈报了他们的调查结果。)

同义词及用法:board, council, panel, commission



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