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commissioning什么意思? commissioning翻译(中文文):试




commissioning什么意思? commissioning翻译(中文文):试

例句1:The company has commissioned a study to analyze the market demand for their new product. (这家公司已经委托一项研究来分析他们新产品的市场需求。)

例句2:The government has commissioned a team of experts to investigate the cause of the accident. (已经委托一组专家来调查事故原因。)

例句3:The artist was commissioned to create a sculpture for the public park. (这位艺术家被委托为公园创作一件雕塑。)

例句4:The new power plant will be commissioned next month. (新发电厂将在下个月投入使用。)

例句5:She was commissioned as an officer in the army after completing her training. (她在完成训练后被任命为。)

同义词及用法:appoint, authorize, delegate, entrust

编辑总结:commissioning是指委托、授权或者任命某人或某组织来完成特定任务的过程。作为名词时常用于商业领域,作为动词时常用于工程、建筑等领域。同义词包括appoint, authorize, delegate和entrust。


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