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come out什么意思? come out翻译(中文文):出来, 长出,

一:come out什么意思? come out翻译(中文文):出来, 长出, 的意思是指某物或某人从某处出现或显露出来,也可以指某物从某处生长或发展出来。

come out什么意思? come out翻译(中文文):出来, 长出,


come out的音标为/kʌm aʊt/


1. 作为不及物动词,come out可以指某人从某处出现或显露出来,:

- The sun has come out from behind the clouds.

- He came out of his room to greet us.

2. 作为及物动词,come out可以指某物从某处生长或发展出来,:

- The flowers have come out in the garden.

- The new leaves are coming out on the trees.

3. 作为不及物动词,come out还可以表示公开、表明立场或表现真实的个性等含义,:

- She finally came out and admitted her mistake.

- He came out as gay to his family and friends.

4. 作为及物动词,come out还可以表示发行、发布或推出等含义,:

- The magazine comes out once a month.

- The new album will come out next week.

5. come out还可以用作名词,表示新产品的推出或首次公开亮相的活动,:

- The company's latest smartphone is having its big come-out party tonight.


1. The moon came out from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层后面出现了。

2. The flowers will come out in the spring. 春天的时候,花会开放。

3. He finally came out and told the truth. 最终他站出来说了实话。

4. The new movie is coming out next month. 新电影下个月就要上映了。

5. The company's latest product had a successful come-out party last night. 公司最新产品昨晚举办的发布会很成功。


1. emerge:指某物从某处出现或显露出来,强调突然性或意外性。

2. appear:指某物在视线范围内出现,也可以指某事情开始存在或发生。

3. grow:指植物从土壤中生长,也可以表示逐渐发展或增长。

4. reveal:指揭示、暴露或展示某事物,强调揭开掩盖的。

5. launch:指推出新产品、服务等,也可以表示发射飞行器等。


come out这一短语具有多种含义和用法,在不同的语境中可能会有不同的解释。作为不及物动词时,它可以表示从某处出现、显露出来;作为及物动词时,它可以表示生长、发行或公开;作为名词时,它可以指新产品的推出或首次公开亮相的活动。在使用时,需要根据具体语境来确定其含义。


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