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come clean是什么意思,come clean的解释

一:come clean是什么意思,come clean的解释的意思

Come clean是一个常用的短语,意为“坦白、招供实情”。它通常用来指一个人承认自己做错了事,或者说出。这个短语可以用来形容某人做出了诚实和坦率的举动。


[kʌm kliːn]

come clean是什么意思,come clean的解释


Come clean通常用作及物动词短语,表示某人向他人坦白自己做错了事或说出。它也可以用作不及物动词短语,表示某人自发地坦白、承认错误或说出。


1. She finally decided to come clean about her involvement in the scandal.(她最终决定坦白她在丑闻中的涉嫌。)

2. He couldn't bear the guilt any longer and came clean to his parents about his drug addiction.(他再也无法忍受内疚感,向父母坦白了他的问题。)

3. The politician refused to come clean about his financial dealings.(这位家拒绝就他的财务交易坦白。)

4. After years of lying, he finally came clean and told the truth to his friends.(经过多年的谎言,他最终坦白向朋友们说出了。)

5. The company CEO came clean about the embezzlement scandal and resigned from his position.(公司CEO坦白了挪用公款的丑闻,并辞去了职务。)


1. Admit: 承认,常用于指承认错误、过失或罪行。

例句:He finally admitted that he had stolen the money.(他最终承认自己偷了那笔钱。)

2. Confess: 坦白,常用于指向他人承认自己有罪或做错了事。

例句:She confessed to her parents that she had been lying to them all along.(她向父母坦白她一直在对他们撒谎。)

3. Disclose: 公开,常用于指公开某人或某事的。

例句:The company was forced to disclose their financial records due to the investigation.(由于调查的原因,公司被迫公开他们的财务记录。)

4. Reveal: 揭露,常用于指揭露某人或某事的秘密。

例句:The journalist revealed the government's cover-up of the environmental disaster.(记者揭露了掩盖环境灾难的行为。)


Come clean是一个常用的短语,意为“坦白、招供实情”。它通常用来指一个人承认自己做错了事,或者说出。这个短语可以用来形容某人做出了诚实和坦率的举动。它的同义词包括admit、confess、disclose和reveal,但它们各有侧重,使用时需要根据具体情况选择合适的词语。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确理解并正确使用这些常用短语,以便向读者提供准确且易于理解的释义内容。


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