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cognitive是什么意思? cognitive翻译(中文文):认知的,




1. She has excellent cognitive skills and can solve complex problems easily. (她具备出色的认知能力,能够轻松解决复杂问题。)

cognitive是什么意思? cognitive翻译(中文文):认知的,

2. The therapist used cognitive therapy to help the patient overcome her anxiety. (治疗师采用认知疗法帮助患者克服焦虑。)

3. Cognitive development is an important aspect of a child's growth. (认知发展是儿童成长的重要方面。)

4. The study showed a strong correlation between physical exercise and cognitive function in older adults. (这项研究表明老年人身体锻炼与认知功能之间存在强相关性。)

5. The cognitive abilities of different species vary greatly. (不同物种的认知能力差异很大。)

同义词及用法:intellectual, mental, perceptual, thinking, reasoning

编辑总结:cognitive一词常见于心理学和神经科学领域,它指涉人类的思维、学习和记忆等认知过程,也可以用来描述动物或其他生物的智力水平。它的同义词包括intellectual, mental, perceptual, thinking和reasoning,但每个词都有其特定的用法和含义。在撰写文章时,应根据具体语境选择合适的词汇。


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