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coed school是什么意思,coed school的翻译,coed school音

一:coed school是什么意思,coed school的翻译,coed school音的意思

Coed school是一个英文词汇,由两个部分组成。首先,"coed"是一个缩写词,来自于"coeducational"这个词,意为男女共学。其次,"school"指的是学校。因此,coed school可以理解为男女共学的学校。


Coed school [ˈkoʊɛd skuːl]

coed school是什么意思,coed school的翻译,coed school音


Coed school通常用作名词短语,用来指代男女共学的学校。它可以作为主语、宾语或者定语出现在句子中。


1. She attended a coed school where she made friends with both boys and girls. (她就读于一所男女共学的学校,在那里她结交了男生和女生朋友。)

2. The coed school encourages students to work together regardless of their gender. (这所男女共学的学校鼓励学生不分性别地合作。)

3. Many parents prefer to send their children to a coed school because they believe it promotes gender equality. (许多家长更愿意将孩子送到男女共学的学校,因为他们认为这有助于促进性别平等。)

4. The coed school organized a dance party for students to interact with each other. (这所男女共学的学校组织了一场舞会,让学生们互相交流。)

5. Coed schools have become increasingly popular in recent years as more people recognize the benefits of mixed-gender education. (近年来,随着越来越多的人认识到混合性别教育的益处,男女共学的学校变得越来越受欢迎。)


Coed school有几个同义词,如:coeducational school、mixed-gender school、integrated school等。它们都指的是男女共学的学校,只是表达方式稍有不同。:

- Coeducational school强调男女共同接受教育。

- Mixed-gender school强调男女混合在一起就读。

- Integrated school强调男女被融合在一起。


Coed school是一个常用的英文词汇,指代男女共学的学校。它可以作为名词短语出现在句子中,用来描述具有这种特征的学校。除了coed school外,还有几个同义词可以替换使用,但它们都指向相同的概念。随着社会对性别平等意识的提高,coed school也变得越来越受欢迎。


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