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1. manufacturing是指通过机械、手工或自动化的方式,将原材料转变为成品的过程。这个过程包括设计、生产、装配和包装等环节。

2. manufacturing的读音为 [man-yuh-fak-cher-ing],发音时重点在第二个音节。

3. 用例:

- The manufacturing of cars requires a lot of precision and attention to detail.


- The country's economy heavily relies on the manufacturing industry.


- The company has decided to outsource its manufacturing process to reduce costs.


- The government is investing in new technologies to improve the efficiency of manufacturing.


- Automation has greatly improved the speed and accuracy of the manufacturing process.


4. 组词:

- mass manufacturing (批量生产)

- additive manufacturing (增材制造)

- custom manufacturing (定制生产)

- lean manufacturing (精益生产)

- advanced manufacturing (先进制造)

5. 中英文对照:

manufacturing - 制造业/加工业



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