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clot什么意思? clot翻译(中文文):凝块, 凝结 hellip

一:clot什么意思? clot翻译(中文文):凝块, 凝结 hellip 的意思是指物质在液体中凝结成固体或者半固体的形式。通常用来指血液中的凝块,但也可以用来描述其他物质的凝固过程。

clot什么意思? clot翻译(中文文):凝块, 凝结 hellip




1. The doctor used a special medication to dissolve the blood clot in the patient's brain. 医生使用特殊药物来溶解患者脑部的血栓。

2. If you cut yourself, apply pressure to the wound to s the bleeding and prevent a clot from forming. 如果你割伤了自己,要对伤口施加压力以止血,并防止血块形成。

3. The old man had a heart attack because a blood clot blocked one of his arteries. 这位老人因为一根血栓堵塞了他的动脉而发生心脏病。

4. Be careful not to shake the bottle too much, or it may cause the liquid inside to clot. 小心不要把瓶子摇得太厉害,否则会导致瓶内液体凝结。

5. The nurse drew a blood sample from the patient's arm, but the blood clotted before it could be analyzed. 护士从患者的手臂抽取了一份血样,但是血液在分析之前就凝结了。

五:同义词及用法:blood clot(血栓)、thrombus(血栓)、coagulation(凝固)、clump(团块)等。



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