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clamping是什么意思? clamping翻译(中文文):箝位 hellip




1. 动词,指用夹子或夹具固定住某物。

clamping是什么意思? clamping翻译(中文文):箝位 hellip


1. He clamped the pieces of wood together tightly.(他紧紧地把木板夹在一起。)

2. The mechanic clamped the car's brake line to prevent it from leaking.(汽车修理工用夹子夹住制动管防止漏水。)

3. She clamped her hand over her mouth to stifle a scream.(她用手捂住嘴巴,压制着尖叫声。)

4. The police officer clamped the suspect's hands behind his back.(把嫌疑人的手铐在背后。)

5. The dentist clamped the patient's mouth open with a metal tool.(牙医用金属工具把病人的嘴张开。)

2. 名词,指一种夹具或装置,用于固定或压紧物体。


1. The clamp on the table held the workpiece steady while he drilled it.(桌上的夹具让他在钻孔时能稳定地固定工件。)

2. She used a clamp to secure the canvas to the frame before painting on it.(她在画布上作画之前先用夹子把它固定到框架上。)

3. The doctors used a clamp to s the bleeding during the surgery.(医生在手术中用夹子止血。)

4. The carpenter used a clamp to hold the two pieces of wood together while he glued them.(木匠用夹子把两块木板固定在一起,然后再涂胶。)

5. The mechanic needed a special clamp to remove the stuck bolt from the engine.(汽车修理工需要一种特殊的夹具来拆下卡住的螺栓。)


1. fasten:动词,指用力固定或紧缩某物。

例句:He fastened the rope tightly around the tree trunk.(他把绳子紧紧地绕在树干上。)

2. secure:动词,指使某物稳固或安全地固定住。

例句:The workers secured the scaffolding with ropes to prevent it from falling over.(工人们用绳子把脚手架固定住,防止它倒塌。)

3. clamp down:短语动词,指采取强硬措施来制止或压制某事物。

例句:The government clamped down on illegal immigration by increasing border security measures.(加强边境安全措施,以制止非法移民。)


clamping是一个多义词,既可以作动词也可以作名词。作动词时,它指用夹子或夹具固定住某物;作名词时,它指一种夹具或装置,用于固定或压紧物体。它的同义词有fasten和secure,还有一个常用的短语动词clamp down。要注意使用时的语境,避免歧义。


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