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civil rights什么意思? civil rights翻译(中文文):民事

读音:[ˈsɪvəl raɪts]



1. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States fought for equal rights for African Americans.

civil rights什么意思? civil rights翻译(中文文):民事


2. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


3. The protection of civil rights is an important aspect of a democratic society.


4. The civil rights of LGBTQ+ individuals are still being fought for in many countries around the world.


5. It is important for citizens to be aware of their civil rights and stand up for them when they are violated.



1. Human rights - 人权

2. Equal rights - 平等权利

3. Civil liberties - 公民自由

4. Social justice - 社会正义

5. Constitutional rights - 宪法权利




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