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cinematic是什么意思? cinematic翻译(中文文):电影的,

怎么读(音标): [ˌsɪnəˈmætɪk]


cinematic是什么意思? cinematic翻译(中文文):电影的,

例句1:The director's use of slow motion in the action scenes gave the film a cinematic feel. (导演在动作场面中使用慢动作效果,使得电影具有电影化的感觉。)

例句2:The soundtrack of the movie was carefully chosen to enhance the cinematic experience. (电影的配乐精心挑选,以增强电影的观赏体验。)

例句3:Her writing style is very cinematic, with vivid descriptions and dynamic storytelling. (她的写作风格非常像电影,充满生动的描述和动态的叙事。)

例句4:The new video game has been praised for its stunning cinematic graphics. (这款新游戏因其惊人的电影化画面而受到赞扬。)

例句5:The film festival showcased a variety of cinematic works from different countries. (电影节展示了来自不同的多种风格的电影作品。)

同义词及用法:filmic (adj.) 与cinematic含义相似,但更偏向于艺术性和技术性方面;movie-like (adj.) 指与电影类似或具有类似特征。



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