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1.meridian是指地球表面上从南极到北极的一条虚拟线,也可以指经度线。:The meridian that runs through Greenwich, England is called the Prime Meridian.(通过英国格林威治的经线被称为本初子午线。)

2.meridian也可以指人体中的穴位,是中医学中的概念。:Massaging the meridians can help relieve pain and promote blood circulation.(按摩经络可以帮助缓解疼痛,促进血液循环。)

3.meridian还可以指某个特定时刻或特定地点的最高点。:The sun was at its meridian, shining directly overhead.(太阳处于正午时分,在头顶直射光芒。)

4.meridian也可以用来形容某个事物最活跃或最重要的时期。:The 1960s were the meridian of rock music.(20世纪60年代是摇滚乐的鼎盛时期。)

5.meridian还可以指某个或文化的最高峰时期。:The Tang Dynasty was the meridian of Chinese poetry.(唐朝是诗歌的鼎盛时期。)




1. The meridian of the Great Wall of China is located at 116.4 degrees east longitude.


2. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the meridians are connected to different organs and have a direct impact on our health.


3. The meridian of his career was when he won the Nobel Prize.


4. The Renaissance was considered the meridian of Western art and culture.


5. The meridian of her life was when she became a mother.



1. prime meridian (本初子午线)

2. acupuncture meridians (针灸经络)

3. cultural meridian (文化子午线)

4. career meridian (事业鼎盛时期)

5. geographical meridians (地理经线)


1.meridian 是指地球表面上从南极到北极的一条虚拟线,也可以指经度线。

meridian refers to the imaginary line from the South Pole to the North Pole on the Earth's surface, or it can also refer to a line of longitude.

2.meridian 也可以指人体中的穴位,是中医学中的概念。

meridian can also refer to acupoints in the human body, which is a concept in traditional Chinese medicine.

3.meridian 还可以指某个特定时刻或特定地点的最高点。

meridian can also refer to the highest point at a specific time or place.

4.meridian 也可以用来形容某个事物最活跃或最重要的时期。

meridian can also be used to describe the most active or important period of something.

5.meridian 还可以指某个或文化的最高峰时期。

meridian can also refer to the peak period of a country or culture.

6. The meridian that runs through Greenwich, England is called the Prime Meridian.


7. Massaging the meridians can help relieve pain and promote blood circulation.


8. The sun was at its meridian, shining directly overhead.


9. The 1960s were the meridian of rock music.


10. The Tang Dynasty was the meridian of Chinese poetry.





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