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Chinese medicine是什么意思,Chinese medicine的翻译,Chin

一:Chinese medicine是什么意思,Chinese medicine的翻译,Chin的意思

Chinese medicine是什么意思,Chinese medicine的翻译,Chin

Chinese medicine指的是传统医学,是古代医学理论和实践经验的总结和传承。它包含了中医药、针灸、气功、中药饮食疗法等多种治疗方式,是人民长期以来保健和治疗疾病的重要手段。


Chinese medicine [ˌtʃaɪˈniːz ˈmedɪsən]


Chinese medicine可以作为名词使用,指代传统医学;也可以作为形容词使用,修饰与传统医学相关的事物。


1. Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years and has been widely recognized for its effectiveness in treating various diseases.(中医有数千年的历史,并且因其在治疗各种疾病方面的有效性而得到广泛认可。)

2. My grandmother always prefers Chinese medicine to Western medicine when she gets sick.(我奶奶生病时总是更喜欢用中药而不是西药。)

3. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the balance of yin and yang in the body for maintaining health.(传统中医强调身体阴阳平衡对于保持健康的重要性。)

4. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are two important components of Chinese medicine.(针灸和中草药是中医的两个重要组成部分。)

5. The popularity of Chinese medicine is not limited to China, it has gained recognition and followers in many other countries as well.(中医的流行不仅限于,它也在许多其他获得认可和追随者。)


1. Traditional Chinese medicine:传统中医

2. Oriental medicine:东方医学

3. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine):中医

4. Herbal medicine:中草药治疗

5. Alternative medicine:另类医学


Chinese medicine是指传统医学,它包含了多种治疗方式,如中医药、针灸、气功等,具有悠久的历史和广泛的应用。它强调平衡身体阴阳来维持健康,并且在国内外都受到认可和追随。除了常见的Chinese medicine外,还可以使用其同义词来替换,如Traditional Chinese medicine、Oriental medicine等。最后,我们应该珍惜并传承这一宝贵的传统文化遗产。


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