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chastity belt什么意思? chastity belt翻译(中文文):贞


怎么读(音标):[ˈtʃæstəti bɛlt]

chastity belt什么意思? chastity belt翻译(中文文):贞

用法:chastity belt通常被认为是中世纪欧洲贵族女性的标志物,但实际上它的历史可以追溯到古代。现在,它已经不再被广泛使用,更多地被视为一种象征或装饰品。

例句1:The chastity belt was a symbol of female oppression in the past.(过去,贞操带是女性压迫的象征。)

例句2:She refused to wear a chastity belt and insisted on her right to make her own choices.(她拒绝戴贞操带,并坚持自己做出选择的权利。)

例句3:Legend has it that some women were forced to wear chastity belts by their husbands while they were away at war.(传说有些妇女在丈夫外出打仗时被迫戴上贞操带。)

例句4:The museum displayed an ancient chastity belt as part of its collection of historical artifacts.(博物馆展示了一件古老的贞操带,作为其历史文物收藏的一部分。)

例句5:The concept of chastity belts has been widely debated by feminists and historians.(贞操带的概念在女权主义者和历史学家中引起了广泛的讨论。)


编辑总结:chastity belt是一种具有历史意义的器具,它曾被用来限制女性的自由和性行为,但现在已经不再被广泛使用。它也成为了女性压迫与争议的象征,在当今社会仍然备受关注。


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