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champion什么意思? champion翻译(中文文):冠军, 拥护者,


一:champion什么意思? champion翻译(中文文):冠, 拥护者,

champion什么意思? champion翻译(中文文):冠军, 拥护者,


1. 冠:指在比赛或竞争中获胜的人或团队。:

- He is the reigning champion of the tennis tournament.(他是这次网球比赛的卫冕冠。)

- The team won the championship for the third time in a row.(该队连续第三次获得了冠。)

2. 拥护者:指对某种事物或观点坚定支持的人。:

- She is a champion of women's rights and has been fighting for gender equality for years.(她是妇女权利的拥护者,多年来一直在为性别平等而战。)

- The politician is known as a champion of environmental protection.(这位家以环境保护的拥护者而闻名。)


champion的音标为 /ˈtʃæmpiən/,读音为“CHAM-pee-uhn”。


1. 作为名词,champion可以用来指冠或拥护者,常用于以下结构:

- be a champion of...:是...的拥护者。:She is a champion of animal rights.(她是动物权利的拥护者。)

- become a champion:成为冠。:He became a champion at the age of 18.(他在18岁时成为了冠。)

- defend the championship:捍卫冠头衔。:The team is determined to defend their championship this year.(该队下定决心要捍卫今年的冠头衔。)

2. 作为动词,champion可以用来指支持、捍卫或拥护某种事物或观点,常用于以下结构:

- champion something/someone:支持、捍卫某事物或某人。:The organization champions human rights around the world.(该组织支持全球人权。)

- champion for something/someone:为某事物或某人而战。:She has been championing for gender equality for years.(多年来她一直在为性别平等而战。)


1. She is a champion of women's rights and has been fighting for gender equality for years.


2. The team won the championship for the third time in a row.


3. He became a champion at the age of 18.


4. The organization champions human rights around the world.


5. She has been championing for gender equality for years.



1. winner:作为名词,指获胜者或优胜者,可以与champion互换使用。

2. advocate:作为名词,指拥护者或倡导者,与champion的含义相似。

3. support:作为动词,指支持、拥护某种事物或观点,可以替代champion使用。




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