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centralization是什么意思? centralization翻译(中文文)

一:centralization是什么意思? centralization翻译(中文文)的意思



Centralization的音标为 [ˌsɛntrələˈzeɪʃən]。

centralization是什么意思? centralization翻译(中文文)


Centralization可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用。作为名词时,它常用于描述、组织或企业的管理结构。,“The centralization of power in the government has caused concern among citizens.”(权力的集中化引起了公民们的担忧。)作为动词时,它常用于描述某一过程或行为使得权力、决策和更加集中。,“The company is currently in the process of centralizing its decision-making power.”(公司目前正在将其决策权集中化。)


1. The centralization of power in the hands of a few individuals can lead to corruption and abuse of authority.(权力集中在少数人手中可能导致和。)

2. The centralization of decision-making in the company has resulted in slower response times to market changes.(公司决策权的集中化导致对市场变化反应较慢。)

3. In a centralized government, all major decisions are made by the central authority.(在中,所有重大决策都由做出。)

4. The process of centralization is often accompanied by resistance from lower levels of management.(集中化过程常常会遭到下层管理层的。)

5. The centralization of resources has allowed the company to streamline its operations and increase efficiency.(资源的集中化使得公司能够优化其运营并提高效率。)


1. Concentration:意为“集中”、“浓缩”,也可指“注意力集中”。,“The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few individuals is a major issue in our society.”(财富在少数人手中的集中是我们社会的一个重要问题。)

2. Consolidation:意为“巩固”、“合并”,也可指“强化”。,“The consolidation of power in one branch of government can lead to checks and balances.”(权力在某一部门的巩固可以实现制衡。)

3. Centralism:意为“主义”,也可指“政体”。,“The country's political system is based on centralism.”(该国的是基于主义的。)




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