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1. morbid是什么意思?


2. morbid是什么意思?读音读法


3. morbid是什么意思?的用例

1) Her morbid fascination with death and disease made her an excellent forensic pathologist.


2) The movie's morbid storyline kept the audience on the edge of their seats.


3) He has a morbid fear of spiders, even though he knows they are harmless.


4) The doctor warned her that her morbid obesity could lead to serious health problems.


5) The artist's paintings often have a dark and morbid tone, reflecting his troubled past.


4. morbid是什么意思?组词

- morbidly (adv. 不健康地,病态地)

- morbidity (n. 疾病率,不健康,病态)

- morbidity rate (n. 发病率)

- morbidness (n. 病态,不健康)

- morbid obesity (n. 病态肥胖)

5. morbid是什么意思?的中英文对照

- 中文:不健康的,病态的

- 英文:unhealthy, diseased



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