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caterpillar是什么意思? caterpillar翻译(中文文):毛虫


caterpillar是什么意思? caterpillar翻译(中文文):毛虫


例句1:The children were fascinated by the colorful caterpillars crawling on the leaves. (孩子们被爬在树叶上的五彩缤纷的毛虫迷住了。)

例句2:The caterpillar will eventually transform into a beautiful butterfly. (这只毛虫最终会变成一只美丽的蝴蝶。)

例句3:Caterpillars are important for the ecosystem as they help to break down plant matter. (毛虫对生态很重要,因为它们帮助分解植物物质。)

例句4:The caterpillar inched its way along the branch, searching for fresh leaves to eat. (毛虫沿着树枝缓慢前进,寻找新鲜的树叶吃。)

例句5:The garden was full of butterflies fluttering around, but there were also many caterpillars crawling on the ground. (花园里到处都是飞舞的蝴蝶,但也有许多毛虫在地上爬行。)


1. Larva: 指昆虫或两栖动物的幼虫,也可用来指人类或动物的早期阶段。

例句:The larva of the beetle was hidden under the soil. (甲虫的幼虫藏在土壤下。)

2. Grub: 指昆虫、蛆或其他小动物的幼体。

例句:The chickens were happily pecking at the grubs in the dirt. (小鸡们高兴地啄食着泥土中的蛆虫。)

3. Worm: 指柔软、滑稽的长条形生物,如蚯蚓、蠕虫等。

例句:The bird plucked a worm from the ground and ate it for breakfast. (鸟从地上拔出一条蠕虫当早餐吃。)

4. Inchworm: 指一种能够像尺子一样测量距离的毛虫,也被称为"尺度毛虫"。

例句:The children were amazed by how the inchworm could stretch and measure things accurately. (孩子们对尺度毛虫能够伸展并精确测量物体感到惊讶。)




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