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carry out什么意思? carry out翻译(中文文):完成, 实现,

怎么读(音标):[ˈkæri aʊt]

用法:carry out是一个动词短语,意为“完成”、“实现”,常用于正式语境中。


1. The company is planning to carry out a new marketing strategy next month. 公司计划下个月实施一项新的营销策略。

carry out什么意思? carry out翻译(中文文):完成, 实现,

2. The government has promised to carry out reforms to improve the education system. 已承诺进行改革,以改善教育。

3. It's important to carry out thorough research before making a decision. 在做出决定之前进行彻底的研究很重要。

4. The team was able to successfully carry out the project within the given deadline. 团队能够在规定的截止日期内成功完成这个项目。

5. The police were instructed to carry out a thorough investigation into the crime. 被指示对这起犯罪案件进行彻底调查。


1. Implement:意为“执行”、“实施”,与carry out在某些情况下可以互换使用。:The new policy will be implemented/carried out next week.

2. Accomplish:意为“完成”、“达成”,侧重于完成一个任务或目标。:She finally accomplished her dream of becoming a doctor.

3. Fulfill:意为“履行”、“实现”,强调达到预期的结果。:The company fulfilled its promise to reduce carbon emissions.

4. Execute:意为“执行”、“完成”,常用于法律或场景中。:The prisoner was executed for his crimes.

5. Conduct:意为“进行”、“实施”,强调按照一定的规则或程序进行。:The researchers conducted a series of experiments to test their hypothesis.


carry out是一个常用的动词短语,意为“完成”、“实现”,常用于正式场合。它可以与其他动词互换使用,如implement、accomplish等,但每个词都有自己的侧重点和使用场景。在写作时,我们应根据具体语境选择最合适的词汇来表达想要表达的意思。同时,在使用carry out时,也要注意其后面搭配的动作或任务需要是可行且可完成的。


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