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calm什么意思? calm翻译(中文文):静的, 平静的, 镇 hellip

一:calm什么意思? calm翻译(中文文):静的, 平静的, 镇 hellip 的意思为平静、安静、镇定的状态或感觉。

calm什么意思? calm翻译(中文文):静的, 平静的, 镇 hellip

二:怎么读(音标): [kɑːm]

三:用法:calm可以作为形容词或动词使用。作为形容词时,表示某人或某物处于平静、安静的状态,没有激动或紧张的感觉。:“She remained calm despite the chaos around her.”(尽管周围一片混乱,她仍保持镇定。)作为动词时,表示使某人或某物变得平静、安静。:“The mother tried to calm her crying baby.”(母亲试图让她哭闹的宝宝平静下来。)


1. The ocean was calm and peaceful, with gentle waves lapping against the shore.(大海平静宁静,轻轻的波浪拍打着海岸。)

2. The therapist taught the patient breathing techniques to help her stay calm during moments of anxiety.(治疗师教导患者呼吸技巧,在焦虑时帮助她保持镇定。)

3. The teacher's calm demeanor helped to diffuse the tense situation in the classroom.(老师镇定的态度帮助缓和了教室里紧张的气氛。)

4. Taking a walk in the park always helps me to clear my mind and feel calm.(在公园散步总能帮助我放松心情,感受平静。)

5. The police officer's calm instructions helped to prevent a panic among the crowd.(镇定的指示帮助阻止了人群中的恐慌。)


1. Peaceful:表示平静、宁静的状态,与calm意思相近。:“The lake was peaceful, with no sign of life.”(湖面平静,没有生命迹象。)

2. Serene:表示平静、宁静的状态,但更强调内心的安宁和满足感。:“The serene atmosphere of the spa helped her to relax.”(水疗中心宁静的氛围帮助她放松。)

3. Tranquil:表示平静、宁静,通常用来形容自然环境或心灵状态。:“The tranquil beauty of the countryside was a welcome change from the busy city life.”(乡村宁静的美丽是忙碌都市生活中令人欢迎的改变。)

4. Soothing:表示舒缓、安抚,可以用来形容某种声音或氛围对人的影响。:“The soothing music helped her to fall asleep.”(舒缓的音乐帮助她入睡。)

5. Placid:表示平静、宁静,通常用来形容水面或天空的状态。:“The placid lake reflected the clear blue sky.”(平静的湖水倒映着晴朗的蓝天。)




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