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cage什么意思? cage翻译(中文文):笼, 槛, 贯笼 hellip

读音: [keɪdʒ]


1. 名词:指用金属条或木条制成的围住动物或人的结构,通常用来限制或保护。也可以指任何类似的结构,如鸟笼、鱼缸等。

cage什么意思? cage翻译(中文文):笼, 槛, 贯笼 hellip

例句:1. The lion was pacing back and forth in its cage, clearly unhappy with its captivity.(这只狮子在笼子里来回踱步,显然对被囚禁感到不满。)

2. The bird had escaped from its cage and was now flying freely in the garden.(那只鸟从笼子里逃脱了,在花园里自由飞翔。)

3. The zookeeper carefully opened the cage and let the tiger out into its enclosure.(动物园管理员小心翼翼地打开笼子,让老虎走进它的栏舍。)

4. He was like a bird in a golden cage, trapped by his own wealth and fame.(他就像是被金钱和名声困住的一只金丝雀。)

5. The prisoners were kept in cages like animals, with no hope of escape.(这些囚犯被关在像动物一样的笼子里,没有任何逃跑的希望。)

2. 动词:指把动物或人关进笼子中,也可以指限制或束缚某人的自由。

例句:1. The zookeeper caged the monkeys before cleaning their enclosure.(动物园管理员在清洁栏舍之前把猴子关进笼子里。)

2. She felt like she was being caged in by her strict parents and couldn't wait to leave for college.(她觉得自己被严厉的父母关在笼子里,迫不及待地想要去上大学。)

3. The protesters were caged in by police barricades, unable to move freely.(者被的路障围住,无法自由行动。)

同义词及用法:enclosure, pen, coop, crate, kennel



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