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by accident是什么意思,by accident的翻译,by accident音

by accident是一个英语短语,意思是“偶然地”、“意外地”。它通常用来指发生在没有计划或意图的情况下的或行为。


by accident的读音为/baɪ ˈæksɪdənt/,其中“by”的读音为/baɪ/,表示“通过”、“由于”的意思,“accident”的读音为/ˈæksɪdənt/,表示“意外”、“事故”的意思。

by accident是什么意思,by accident的翻译,by accident音


by accident通常作为副词短语使用,修饰动词或动词短语。它可以放在句首、句中或句尾。在句中时,它通常位于主语和谓语动词之间。:“I found this book by accident.”(我偶然了这本书。)


1. I bumped into my old friend by accident while shopping in the mall.(我在商场购物时偶然碰到了我的老朋友。)

2. By accident, I spilled coffee all over my shirt this morning.(今天早上我不小心把咖啡洒在了衬衫上。)

3. They met each other by accident on a hiking trip and ended up falling in love.(他们在一次徒步旅行中偶然相遇,并最终坠入爱河。)

4. The car crash was caused by accident, not by the driver's negligence.(这次车祸是偶然发生的,而不是司机的疏忽造成的。)

5. She became a successful actress by accident, after being discovered by a talent agent at a coffee shop.(她偶然被一位经纪人在咖啡店后,成为了一名成功的女演员。)


1. accidentally:意为“偶然地”、“无意中”,与by accident同义,但更常用于句首或句中。:“Accidentally, I deleted all my files.”(我无意中删除了所有文件。)

2. unexpectedly:意为“出乎意料地”、“突然地”,强调事情发生得出乎预料。:“The concert was unexpectedly canceled due to bad weather.”(由于天气糟糕,音乐会出乎意料地被取消了。)

3. incidentally:意为“顺便提一下”、“附带地”,指提及某事时不是重点但值得一提。:“Incidentally, have you seen the latest episode of that TV show?”(顺便说一句,你看过那部电视剧的最新一集吗?)

4. fortuitously:意为“幸运地”、“偶然地”,强调偶然性和幸运的结合。:“He fortuitously found his lost wallet in the park.”(他幸运地在公园里找到了丢失的钱包。)


by accident是一个常用的英语短语,意为“偶然地”、“意外地”。它可以修饰动词或动词短语,表示某事发生时没有计划或意图。与它同义的词有accidentally、unexpectedly、incidentally和fortuitously。在使用时,可以根据具体情况选择合适的词语来表达。


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