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1. mavis是一种鸟类,也叫做黑歌鸲,属于鹟科。它的英文名字来源于法语单词"merle",意为黑色。它主要分布在欧洲、亚洲和非洲的温带地区,是一种常见的夏季候鸟。

2. mavis的特点是体型较小,体长约20厘米左右。它的羽毛大部分呈现深褐色或黑色,头部和背部有些许白色斑点。它的嘴和脚都呈现橙黄色。mavis也有着优美的歌声,被认为是欧洲最美妙的鸟类之一。

3. mavis通常栖息于树林、灌木丛和花园等地方。它们喜欢吃昆虫、水果和浆果等食物。在繁殖季节,雄性mavis会选择一个突出的位置来展示自己,并用优美的歌声来吸引雌性。

4. 例句:

- The mavis sang a beautiful song in the garden.


- I saw a pair of mavis building their nest in the tree.


- The mavis has a distinctive orange beak.


- During the summer, many mavis can be seen in the park.


- The mavis is a protected species in many countries.


5. 组词:

- mavis-like (像mavis的)

- mavisberry (浆果类)

- mavishood (黑歌鸲的特征)

- unmavised (没有被黑歌鸲唱过歌的)

6. 中英文对照:


1. Mavis is a type of bird, also known as a song thrush, belonging to the family Turdidae. Its English name comes from the French word "merle", which means black. It is mainly found in temperate regions of Europe, Asia and Africa, and is a common summer migrant.


2. The mavis is characterized by its small size, measuring around 20 centimeters in length. Most of its feathers are dark brown or black, with some white spots on the head and back. Its beak and feet are both orange-yellow in color. The mavis also has a beautiful song and is considered one of the most melodious birds in Europe.


3. Mavis usually inhabits woodlands, shrubs, and gardens. They feed on insects, fruits, and berries. During the breeding season, male mavis will choose a prominent spot to display themselves and use their beautiful song to attract females.


4. Examples:

- The mavis sang a beautiful song in the garden.


- I saw a pair of mavis building their nest in the tree.


- The mavis has a distinctive orange beak.


- During the summer, many mavis can be seen in the park.


- The mavis is a protected species in many countries.


5. Word formation:

- mavis-like (adjective, resembling a mavis)

- mavisberry (noun, type of berry)

- mavishood (noun, characteristics of a mavis)

- unmavised (adjective, not having been sung to by a mavis)



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