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burning什么意思? burning翻译(中文文):燃烧的, 强烈的


burning什么意思? burning翻译(中文文):燃烧的, 强烈的



1. The burning sun made it difficult to stay outside for too long. (灼热的太阳让人难以在外面待太久。)

2. She had a burning desire to travel the world and experience different cultures. (她有着强烈的愿望去环游世界,体验不同的文化。)

3. The burning sensation in his chest made him realize he should see a doctor. (胸口的灼热感让他意识到应该去看医生。)

4. The building was engulfed in flames, with thick black smoke rising from the burning structure. (大楼被火焰吞噬,浓密的黑烟从燃烧的建筑物中升起。)

5. She couldn't resist the burning temptation to open the mysterious package. (她无法抗拒打开那个神秘包裹的强烈诱惑。)


1. blazing: 炽热的,火红色的

例句:The blazing fire kept us warm on a cold winter night.


2. fiery: 火热的,激烈的

例句:Her fiery temper often gets her into trouble.


3. scorching: 灼热的,极度炎热的

例句:The scorching heat made it unbearable to be outside for too long.


4. intense: 强烈的,紧张的

例句:The intense pain in his leg made it difficult for him to walk.





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