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bulge什么意思? bulge翻译(中文文):凸出部分, 凸出, hellip



1. 名词:指物体表面的凸起部分,也可指突出的部分或膨胀的部分。

bulge什么意思? bulge翻译(中文文):凸出部分, 凸出,  hellip


1. The bulge on the wall was caused by a leak in the pipe. (墙上的凸起是由于管道泄漏造成的。)

2. The bulge on his forehead made him look like he was frowning all the time. (他额头上的凸起让他看起来像是一直在皱眉。)

3. The bulge in her stomach showed that she was pregnant. (她肚子上的凸起表明她怀孕了。)

4. The bulge of the book in his pocket made it obvious that he was a bookworm. (他口袋里书本的凸起让人很容易就知道他是个书虫。)

5. The bulge of muscles on his arms showed how strong he was. (他胳膊上肌肉的凸起显示了他有多强壮。)

2. 动词:指突出或膨胀,也可指增加或扩大。


1. His eyes bulged with excitement when he saw the surprise party for him. (当他看到为他举办的惊喜派对时,他激动得眼睛都要突出来了。)

2. The balloon started to bulge as it was filled with air. (气球充满气后开始膨胀。)

3. The bag bulged with all the books she had bought. (袋子里装满了她买的所有书,都快要爆炸了。)

4. His ego bulged after he received the award. (他获得奖项后,自我感觉良好。)

5. The population of the city has been bulging in recent years due to immigration. (由于移民,这座城市的人口近年来一直在增加。)


1. protrusion:指物体突出或凸起的部分,多指较小的部分。:The protrusion on his forehead made him look like a unicorn. (他额头上的突出部分让他看起来像是一只独角兽。)

2. swell:指物体膨胀或增大,也可指情绪高涨或事态扩大。:The wound on his arm started to swell and turn red. (他手臂上的伤口开始肿胀并变红了。)

3. bump:指物体表面突出或凸起的部分,也可指碰撞或颠簸。:I have a bump on my head from hitting it on the car door. (我头上有一个从撞到车门上留下的凸起处。)



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