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bui的音标为 [buː],读音与“boo”相似。


1. 作为名词时,bui通常指具体的建筑物或建筑业。:

- The bui on the corner is a new shopping mall.(拐角处那座建筑是一座新购物中心。)

- He works in the bui industry.(他在建筑行业工作。)

2. 作为动词时,bui表示“建造”或“修建”。:

- They are going to bui a new house next year.(他们明年打算盖一座新房子。)

- The government plans to bui a bridge over the river.(计划在这条河上修一座桥。)

3. 在口语中,bui也可以用来表示“构建”、“创立”等含义。

- We need to bui a strong relationship with our clients.(我们需要和客户建立牢固的关系。)

- The company has been bui on the principles of honesty and integrity.(这家公司建立在诚实和正直的原则上。)


1. The city council has approved the construction of a new bui in the downtown area.(市议会已经批准在市中心区域建造一座新建筑。)

2. The company is known for its innovative designs and high-quality buis.(这家公司以其创新的设计和高质量的建筑闻名。)

3. We are planning to bui a new office building next year to accommodate our growing team.(我们计划明年盖一座新办公楼,以容纳不断增长的团队。)

4. It takes a lot of time and effort to bui a successful business from scratch.(从零开始打造一家成功的企业需要很多时间和精力。)

5. The government has invested heavily in the development of infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and other public buis.(已经大力投资发展基础设施,包括道路、桥梁和其他公共建筑。)


1. construct:与bui意思相同,也可以表示“构造”、“组成”。:The architect is constructing a new building in the city center.

2. erect:侧重指“竖立”或“搭起”,也可以表示“建造”。:The workers are erecting a new flagpole in the park.

3. build up:指“逐步建立”或“发展”。:The company has built up a strong reputation in the industry.

4. establish:侧重指“建立”、“创办”,也可以表示“确立”、“证实”。:The organization was established in 1999.

5. create:侧重指“创造”或“产生”,也可以表示“构建”。:The artist created a masterpiece with his unique style.


bui是一个常用的英文单词,它的意思是“建筑”,可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词时,它指具体的建筑物或建筑业;作为动词时,它指的是建造或修建。除了基本的意思外,bui还有一些常见的同义词,如construct、erect、build up、establish和create。在使用时要注意区分其不同含义,并根据语境选择合适的表达方式。


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