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building什么意思? building翻译(中文文):建筑物, 营造

怎么读(音标):英 [ˈbɪldɪŋ],美 [ˈbɪldɪŋ]

building什么意思? building翻译(中文文):建筑物, 营造



1. The building is a beautiful example of modern architecture. 这座建筑是现代建筑的一个美丽范例。

2. We are currently in the process of building a new office building. 我们正在建造一座新的办公楼。

3. The city has seen a rapid growth in building and development in recent years. 近年来,这座城市见证了快速的建设和发展。

4. The construction company has won the bid to build the tallest building in the world. 这家建筑公司赢得了修建世界上最高大楼的投标。

5. Building a strong foundation is crucial for the success of any project. 建立一个坚实的基础对于任何项目的成功至关重要。


1. Structure: 指任何形式的物理构造或组织结构,可以指自然形成的也可以指人工构造的。:the structure of a molecule (分子结构);the social structure (社会结构)

2. Edifice: 指宏伟壮观、令人印象深刻的大型建筑物。:a grand edifice (壮观的大厦);the edifice of democracy (的大厦)

3. Construction: 指建造的过程,也可以指已经建成的建筑物。:the construction of a new bridge (新桥的建造);a building under construction (正在建造中的建筑物)

4. Architecture: 指设计和构思建筑物的艺术和科学。:modern architecture (现代建筑);the architecture of ancient civilizations (古代文明的建筑)

5. Establishment: 指已经存在并运作的或者组织,也可以指一座大型建筑物。:government establishments ();a commercial establishment (商业)




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