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build up是什么意思,build up的解释

一:build up是什么意思,build up的解释 的意思

build up是一个动词短语,意为“建立、积累、加强、增强”。在不同的语境下,可以有不同的含义,但总体来说,都指的是逐步增加或发展某物或某种情况。

build up是什么意思,build up的解释


build up的读音为/bɪld ʌp/。


1. 用作及物动词时,表示“建立”、“组建”、“创立”等。:

- We need to build up a strong team to win the competition. (我们需要组建一支强大的团队来赢得比赛。)

- The government is trying to build up a new economic system. (正在努力建立一个新的经济体系。)

2. 用作不及物动词时,表示“积累”、“增加”。:

- You need to build up your savings for your retirement. (你需要积攒退休金。)

- She has been building up her strength after the surgery. (她在手术后一直在恢复体力。)

3. 用作名词时,可以表示“增长”、“积累”的过程。:

- The build-up of tension between the two countries eventually led to war. (两国之间紧张局势的积累最终导致了战争。)

4. 在口语中,还可以用作形容词,表示“强壮的”、“健康的”。:

- He is looking really built up after working out for a year. (他锻炼了一年后看起来身体真的很健壮。)


1. The company is planning to build up its presence in the international market. (这家公司计划在国际市场上建立自己的存在。)

2. It takes time to build up trust between two people. (建立两个人之间的信任需要时间。)

3. She has been building up her business for years and now it's finally paying off. (她多年来一直在发展自己的生意,现在终于有了回报。)

4. The doctor advised him to build up his immune system by eating more fruits and vegetables. (医生建议他通过多吃水果和蔬菜来增强免疫。)

5. The tension between the two countries has been building up for months and everyone is worried about a possible war. (两国之间的紧张局势已经持续了几个月,每个人都担心可能会爆发战争。)


1. accumulate:积累、堆积(指逐渐增加或聚集)

2. strengthen:加强、巩固(指使某物变得更强大或更稳固)

3. develop:发展、成长(指逐步进步或壮大)

4. establish:建立、确立(指创造或确定某物的存在)

5. enhance:增强、提高(指使某物变得更好或更有价值)


build up是一个常用的动词短语,表示“建立、积累、加强”等含义。它可以用作及物动词、不及物动词和名词,还可以在口语中作形容词使用。在写作中,我们可以根据具体的语境来选择合适的同义词替换,以丰富句子表达。同时,在使用时也要注意时态和语态的正确搭配,避免出现语法错误。


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