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1,mage是指魔法师或者术士,通常指擅长使用魔法的人。:The mage cast a powerful spell to defeat the enemy.(这位魔法师施展了强大的咒语来击败敌人。)


3,mage作为名词时,常用于描述具有神秘力量的人物。:The ancient mage lived in a secluded tower, practicing his magic in solitude.(古老的魔法师住在一座僻静的塔里,独自修炼他的魔法。)另外,在一些游戏和小说中,也会出现mage作为职业或称号来称呼具有魔法能力的角色。

例句1:The young mage was eager to learn all the secrets of magic from his master.(年轻的魔法师渴望从他的师傅那里学习所有关于魔法的秘密。)

例句2:The evil mage used his dark powers to control the minds of innocent villagers.(邪恶的魔法师利用黑暗力量无辜村民的思想。)

例句3:In this world, only a true mage can wield the power of magic and bend it to their will.(在这个世界上,只有真正的魔法师才能驾驭魔法的力量,并将其随心所欲地运用。)

例句4:The mage's staff glowed with a bright light as he chanted the ancient incantation.(当魔法师念着古老的咒语时,他的法杖发出明亮的光芒。)

例句5:The mage's apprentice was in awe as he watched his master create a fireball out of thin air.(魔法师的学徒惊叹不已,当他看着师傅从空气中创造出一个火球。)


5,mage在中文中可以翻译为“法师”、“术士”等。:那位年轻的法师掌握了强大的魔法力量。(The young mage possessed great magical powers.)



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