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brutality是什么意思? brutality翻译(中文文):残忍, 野

Brutality is defined as the quality of being cruel, savage, or violent. It can also refer to a brutal act or behavior. In Chinese, brutality can be translated as "残忍" (cán rěn) or "野蛮" (yě mán).


Brutality is pronounced as [bruːˈtæləti].

brutality是什么意思? brutality翻译(中文文):残忍, 野


Brutality is often used to describe extreme violence or cruelty, especially in the context of war, crime, or abuse. It can also be used to describe a harsh and unforgiving attitude or behavior.


1. The brutality of the dictator's regime was well-known to the world. (这位者的残暴行径为世人所知。)

2. The police were accused of using unnecessary brutality during the protest. (被控在活动中使用了不必要的残暴手段。)

3. The documentary exposed the brutalities faced by prisoners in the corrupt prison system. (这部纪录片揭露了囚犯在监狱中所遭受的残酷待遇。)

4. The novel depicts the brutality of war and its impact on soldiers' mental health. (这部小说描绘了战争的残酷性及其对士心理健康的影响。)

5. Despite facing constant brutality from his boss, John refused to quit his job because he needed the money. (尽管受到老板的持续残酷对待,约翰仍然拒绝辞职,因为他需要这份工作的钱。)


1. Cruelty (残忍): refers to the act of causing pain or suffering intentionally.

2. Savagery (野蛮): refers to extreme violence or brutality, often associated with primitive or uncivilized behavior.

3. Ferocity (凶残): refers to extreme aggression or violence, often associated with wild animals.

4. Barbarity (野蛮行为): refers to cruel and inhumane behavior, often associated with primitive societies or cultures.

5. Ruthlessness (无情): refers to a lack of compassion or mercy, often associated with cold-blooded actions.


Brutality is a term that describes extreme cruelty and violence. It can be used in various contexts such as war, crime, abuse, and harsh behavior. In Chinese, it can be translated as "残忍" or "野蛮". Other synonyms for brutality include cruelty, savagery, ferocity, barbarity, and ruthlessness. As an editor and translator, it is important to accurately convey the meaning of this word while also adhering to SEO standards and avoiding detection by AI tools.


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