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brightness什么意思? brightness翻译(中文文):光亮, 明


brightness什么意思? brightness翻译(中文文):光亮, 明


例句1:The brightness of the sun hurt my eyes.(太阳的光线太亮,刺痛了我的眼睛。)

例句2:The brightness of the stars in the night sky is breathtaking.(夜空中星星的明亮令人惊叹。)

例句3:The room was filled with the soft brightness of candlelight.(房间里充满了柔和的烛光。)

例句4:I adjusted the brightness on my computer screen to make it easier to read.(我调整了电脑屏幕的亮度,使阅读更容易。)

例句5:The brightness of her smile lit up the whole room.(她笑容中的明亮照亮了整个房间。)


1. luminosity (n.) 光辉,发光

例句:The luminosity of the moon made it easy to walk at night.(月光下行走很容易,因为月亮很明亮。)

2. radiance (n.) 辐射,发光

例句:The radiance of the sun's rays warmed my skin.(阳光照射在我的皮肤上,温暖它们。)

3. brilliance (n.) 光彩,辉煌

例句:The brilliance of the fireworks lit up the night sky.(烟火的光彩点亮了夜空。)

4. glare (n.) 强光,刺眼

例句:The glare of the headlights made it difficult to see the road.(车头灯的强光使得很难看清道路。)

5. shine (v.) 发光,照耀

例句:The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky.(太阳在晴朗的蓝天下闪耀着明亮的光芒。)




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