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brigand什么意思? brigand翻译(中文文):土匪, 强盗, 歹



例句1:The travelers were ambushed by a group of brigands on their journey through the mountains. (旅行者在穿越山区的旅途中遭到一群土匪的伏击。)

例句2:The king's army was sent to eliminate the brigands who were terrorizing the villages. (国王派遣消灭恐吓村庄的土匪。)

brigand什么意思? brigand翻译(中文文):土匪, 强盗, 歹

例句3:The local authorities have launched a campaign to capture and bring to justice the notorious brigand known as "the Black Shadow". (当地发起了一场运动,抓捕并将臭名昭著的土匪“黑影”绳之以法。)

例句4:The legend of Robin Hood, a skilled archer who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, is often associated with that of a noble brigand. (传说中的罗宾汉是一位技艺高超的弓箭手,他从富人那里抢夺财物,分给穷人,常被视为一位高尚的土匪。)

例句5:The bandit leader was once a simple peasant, but turned into a ruthless brigand after his family was killed by corrupt nobles. (这个土匪头目曾经是一个普通农民,但在他的家人被贵族杀害后变得残忍无情。)

同义词及用法:bandit (土匪,强盗),outlaw (逃犯,不法之徒),robber (劫匪,抢劫犯),thief (小偷,盗贼)



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