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breadth是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

一:breadth是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典的意思




breadth是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典


1. 作为名词使用时,常用于描述物体或者空间的宽度、广度。

The breadth of the river is about 10 meters. (这条河的宽度大约为10米。)

The room has a breadth of 5 meters. (这个房间有5米宽。)

2. 在数学中,breadth指的是图形或者物体横向的距离。

What is the breadth of this rectangle? (这个长方形的宽度是多少?)

3. 在比喻性语境下,breadth也可以表示某种情况或者概念的范围、广度。

The breadth of her knowledge is impressive. (她知识面很广,令人印象深刻。)

We need to consider the full breadth of the problem before making a decision. (在做出决定之前,我们需要考虑问题的全部范围。)


1. The breadth of the canyon was breathtaking. (峡谷的宽度令人惊叹。)

2. She measured the breadth of the table with a ruler. (她用尺子测量桌子的宽度。)

3. The breadth of his shoulders indicated his strength. (他宽阔的肩膀显示出他的力量。)

4. The breadth of her experience made her a valuable asset to the team. (她丰富的经验使她成为团队中宝贵的资产。)

5. The breadth of the ic was too vast to cover in one lecture. (这个话题的广度太大,无法在一次讲座中涵盖。)


1. width:指物体或者空间横向的距离,与breadth意思相近,但更常用于描述具体的尺寸。

The width of this hallway is too narrow for a wheelchair to pass through. (这条走廊太窄了,轮椅无法通过。)

2. span:指物体或者空间从一端到另一端的距离,也可以表示时间或者范围。

The bridge has a span of 100 meters. (这座桥长100米。)

His career spanned over 50 years before he retired. (他退休前从事了50多年的职业生涯。)

3. range:指范围、广度或者距离,也可以表示一系列的事物或者数值。

The temperature range for this oven is 150-250 degrees Celsius. (这个烤箱的温度范围是150-250摄氏度。)

The range of products offered by this company is impressive. (这家公司提供的产品范围令人印象深刻。)




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