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brake什么意思? brake翻译(中文文):闸, 刹车, 刹车 hellip

Brake是一个英文单词,读作/ breɪk /。它可以作为名词或动词使用,意思是“闸”、“刹车”、“制动器”,也可以指“阻止”、“减缓”。下面将详细介绍brake的各个含义及用法。

brake什么意思? brake翻译(中文文):闸, 刹车, 刹车 hellip

一、brake什么意思? brake翻译(中文文):闸, 刹车, 刹车 hellip


作为动词时,brake表示“使用刹车”、“减速”、“停止运动”,也可以指“阻止”、“抑制”。,“He braked suddenly to avoid hitting the pedestrian.”(他突然刹车以避免撞到行人。)


Brake的音标为/ breɪk /。


1. 名词用法:

a. 作主语:The brakes on my car need to be replaced.(我的汽车刹车需要更换。)

b. 作宾语:She pressed the brake and the car came to a s.(她踩下刹车,汽车停了下来。)

c. 作定语:The brake pedal is on the left side of the driver's seat.(刹车踏板在驾驶座椅的左侧。)

d. 作表语:The brakes are not working properly.(刹车不正常。)

2. 动词用法:

a. 及物动词:He braked the car just in time to avoid a collision.(他及时刹住了车,避免了碰撞。)

b. 不及物动词:The car braked suddenly and we were thrown forward.(汽车突然刹车,我们被甩出去了。)


1. The truck driver slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the dog in the road.


2. The bicycle has two brakes, one for the front wheel and one for the back wheel.


3. The train gradually applied its brakes as it approached the station.


4. She couldn't brake in time and crashed into the car in front of her.


5. The new regulations aim to put a brake on illegal activities in the market.



1. S:指停止运动或行动,可以作名词或动词使用。,“The car came to a sudden s.”(汽车突然停下来了。)

2. Halt:指暂时停止行动或运动,也可以作名词或动词使用。,“The train halted at the station.”(火车在站台上停下来了。)

3. Slow down:指减慢速度,也可以作为短语使用。“He slowed down his car when he saw the red light.”(他看到红灯时减慢了汽车的速度。)





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