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Book of Mormon是什么意思,Book of Mormon的翻译,Book of

一:Book of Mormon是什么意思,Book of Mormon的翻译,Book of 的意思

Book of Mormon是一本经典,也是耶稣基督后期圣徒的经典之一。它记录了在古代美洲大陆发生的和历史,包括先知们的启示、耶稣基督的来临以及圣徒们的生活。

Book of Mormon是什么意思,Book of Mormon的翻译,Book of


[ˈbʊk əv ˈmɔrmən]




1. The Book of Mormon is a sacred text for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(《摩门经》是耶稣基督后期圣徒成员的圣典。)

2. Many people find great comfort and guidance in reading the Book of Mormon.(许多人通过阅读《摩门经》获得了极大的安慰和指引。)

3. The Book of Mormon contains teachings and stories that can help us in our daily lives.(《摩门经》包含了可以帮助我们日常生活的教导和故事。)

4. According to the Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ appeared to the people in ancient America after his resurrection.(根据《摩门经》记载,在耶稣基督复活后,他曾出现在古代美洲大陆的人民面前。)

5. The Book of Mormon is considered by many to be a companion scripture to the Bible.(许多人认为《摩门经》是《圣经》的补充经文。)


1. The Book of Mormon can also be referred to as the "Mormon Bible" or simply "the Mormon book".(《摩门经》也可以被称为“摩门圣经”或者简称为“摩门书”。)

2. It is often used in religious discussions and teachings, especially within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(它常被用于讨论和教导,尤其是在耶稣基督后期圣徒内部。)




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