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bold什么意思? bold翻译(中文文):大胆的, 粗体 hellip

一:bold什么意思? bold翻译(中文文):大胆的, 粗体 hellip


三:用法:形容词,表示勇敢、大胆的,也可以用来形容文字或字体的粗体。常见搭配有be bold (to do sth)表示“敢于做某事”,或者使用在名词前作修饰语,如bold move (大胆举动)、bold font (粗体字体)等。


1. She made a bold decision to quit her stable job and start her own business. (她做出了一个大胆的决定,辞掉了稳定的工作开始创业。)

bold什么意思? bold翻译(中文文):大胆的, 粗体 hellip

2. The headline was written in bold letters to catch people's attention. (用粗体字写成,以吸引人们的注意力。)

3. He was known for his bold personality and fearless attitude towards challenges. (他以勇敢的个性和无畏的态度面对挑战而闻名。)

4. The designer used a bold color palette for the new collection, making it stand out on the runway. (设计师为新系列选用了大胆的色彩搭配,在T台上脱颖而出。)

5. Despite the risks, she decided to take a bold step and move to a new city for better career opportunities. (尽管有风险,她决定大胆迈出一步,搬到新城市寻求更好的职业机会。)

五:同义词及用法:brave (勇敢的)、courageous (有勇气的)、audacious (大胆的);用法类似,但bold更强调冒险和挑战性。



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