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boarding是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

一:boarding是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典的意思


boarding是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典




1. 作为动词时,boarding通常用来指乘坐交通工具或登上飞机、船只等。

- We will be boarding the plane in 30 minutes.


- The passengers were all boarding the bus when it started to rain.


2. boarding也可以指住宿或寄宿。

- She is currently boarding at a local family's house while attending school.


- The university offers on-campus boarding for students who live far away.


3. 此外,boarding还可以指给动物提供食物或给船只补充燃料。

- The farmer was busy boarding the cows with hay.


- The ship will be boarding supplies before setting sail.



1. We will be boarding the train in 10 minutes, so please make sure you have your tickets ready.


2. The students were all boarding the school bus when it suddenly broke down.


3. She has been boarding at this house for three years and has become like a part of the family.


4. The flight attendant announced that we would be boarding from the back of the plane to the front.


5. The captain ordered his crew to start boarding supplies onto the ship before they set sail.



1. embark:意为“上船/飞机”,常用于正式场合。

- We will embark on our journey to Europe tomorrow morning.


2. get on:意为“登上/进入”,常用于日常口语中。

- Hurry up and get on the bus before it leaves!


3. lodge:意为“住宿/寄宿”,常用于指在某处暂时居住。

- I will be lodging at a friend's house while I am in town for the conference.





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