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blinder什么意思? blinder翻译(中文文):眼罩 hellip



1. 一种用来遮蔽眼睛的物品,通常由布料或皮革制成,用于保护眼睛免受强光或刺激物的伤害。

blinder什么意思? blinder翻译(中文文):眼罩 hellip

例句:1. She wore a blinder to keep the bright sunlight out of her eyes. (她戴着眼罩来防止阳光刺眼。)

2. The horse wore a blinder on the racetrack to help it focus on running straight ahead. (赛马场上的马匹戴着眼罩来帮助它专注于直线奔跑。)

3. The doctor recommended wearing a blinder at night to prevent eye strain from bright lights. (医生建议晚上戴眼罩来防止因强光引起的眼部疲劳。)

4. The blinder was used as a form of punishment for prisoners who were deemed unruly. (这种眼罩被用作对那些被认为行为不端的囚犯的惩罚手段。)

5. The blinder is an essential accessory for anyone who wants to sleep during the day in a well-lit room. (对于想要在明亮的房间里白天睡觉的人来说,眼罩是必备的配件。)

同义词及用法:eye mask,眼罩的另一种说法,用法相同。

编辑总结:blinder是一种用来遮蔽眼睛的物品,可以保护眼睛免受强光或刺激物的伤害。它通常由布料或皮革制成,是一种常见的配件,可以用于日常生活、运动比赛或作为惩罚手段。同义词为eye mask。


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