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blessedly是什么意思? blessedly翻译(中文文):幸福地,


blessedly是什么意思? blessedly翻译(中文文):幸福地,




1. The couple walked hand in hand, blessedly happy in each other's company. 这对夫妇手牵手走着,彼此陶醉在幸福的氛围中。

2. The rain finally sped and the sun shone down, blessing the earth with its blessedly warm rays. 雨终于停了,阳光照耀下来,用它温暖的光芒祝福着大地。

3. After a long day of work, I was blessedly tired and ready for a good night's sleep. 经过一整天的工作,我感到幸福地疲惫,准备好好休息一晚上。

4. The blessedly cool breeze provided some relief from the scorching heat of the summer day. 幸运的是清凉的微风给这个酷热的夏日带来了些许凉爽。

5. She was blessedly unaware of the chaos and drama that was unfolding behind the scenes. 她幸运地不知道幕后正在上演的混乱和戏剧。


- He smiled happily as he watched his children play in the park. 当他看着孩子们在公园里玩耍时,他幸福地笑了。

- The couple danced joyfully under the stars, lost in their own world of bliss. 这对夫妇在星空下欢快地跳舞,沉浸在自己的幸福世界中。

- The newlyweds spent a delightfully romantic evening by the beach, watching the sunset. 新婚夫妇在海滩上度过了一个令人愉悦的浪漫夜晚,观赏着日落。



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