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二:blase的读音为 [blah-zey; French blah-zey],重音在第一个音节。



四:1. She seemed blase about the whole situation, as if nothing could surprise her anymore. (她似乎对整个情况都感到厌倦,好像再也没有什么可以让她惊讶了。)

2. After traveling to so many countries, he became blase about visiting new places. (在去过那么多之后,他对去新地方旅行变得无所谓了。)

3. The blase teenager rolled his eyes and let out a bored sigh when his parents suggested going to the museum. (当他父母建议去博物馆时,这个无聊的青少年翻了翻白眼,发出了一个厌倦的叹息。)

4. She may seem blase on the surface, but deep down she still cares about what happens to her friends. (她表面上看起来可能很冷漠,但内心深处仍然关心朋友们发生的事情。)

5. The wealthy socialite was known for her blase attitude towards extravagant parties and events. (这位富豪社交名媛以对奢华派对和活动的冷漠态度而闻名。)

五:同义词及用法:apathetic (无动于衷的), indifferent (冷漠的), jaded (厌倦的), nonchalant (淡定的). 这些词都可以用来形容对事物感到无趣或缺乏兴趣。

六:编辑总结:blase是一个法语借词,通常用来形容人或他们的态度,表示对事物感到厌倦和无趣。它可以用作形容词,读音为 [blah-zey],重音在第一个音节。与其近义词包括apathetic, indifferent, jaded和nonchalant。


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