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big city什么意思? big city翻译(中文文):大城市 hellip

怎么读(音标):/bɪɡ ˈsɪti/

用法:big city通常指的是人口密集、发达的大型城市,也可以用来形容某个地区或中最大、最重要的城市。

big city什么意思? big city翻译(中文文):大城市 hellip

例句1:I grew up in a small town, but I always dreamed of living in a big city like New York or London.


例句2:Living in a big city has its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, there are more job opportunities and cultural activities. On the other hand, it can be crowded and expensive.


例句3:The big cities of Asia, such as Tokyo and Shanghai, are known for their fast-paced lifestyle and modern infrastructure.


例句4:Many people move to big cities in search of better opportunities and a higher standard of living.


例句5:Despite its size, this big city still manages to maintain a strong sense of community among its residents.


同义词及用法:metropolis, urban center, cosmopolitan city, megalopolis

编辑总结:big city是一个常用的词组,指的是人口密集、发达的大型城市。它可以用来形容某个地区或中最大、最重要的城市。生活在大城市有其优点和缺点,但它仍然是许多人梦想的地方。与big city同义的词还有metropolis、urban center、cosmopolitan city和megalopolis。


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