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between是什么意思? between翻译(中文文):在之间, 连接,


between是什么意思? between翻译(中文文):在之间, 连接,

在之间, 连接,的意思。




1. 表示两者之间的关系或位置。

- There is a river between the two mountains.


- The book is between the two chairs.


2. 表示选择或比较。

- You have to choose between the red dress and the blue one.


- I can't decide between these two options.


3. 表示时间或顺序上的先后。

- The meeting will be held between 2pm and 4pm.


- I had a sandwich between breakfast and lunch.



1. There is a gap between the two buildings. (这两幢建筑物之间有一个缝隙。)

2. The cat was hiding between the curtains. (猫躲在窗帘之间。)

3. I can't choose between these two options. (我无法在这两个选项中选择。)

4. The meeting will take place between 9am and 11am. (将在上午9点至11点之间进行。)

5. The teacher sat between two students. (老师坐在两个学生中间。)


1. among:指三者或三者以上之间的关系,也可表示分布在一群人或物中。

- The book was hidden among the other books on the shelf.


- We were chatting among friends.


2. amid:指环境或情况中的事物,强调周围环境。

- The children were playing happily amid the flowers.


- She remained calm amid all the chaos.


3. betwixt:古语,与between意思相同,但现已很少使用。

- The village lies betwixt two mountains.





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