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better off是什么意思? better off翻译(中文文):状况好

怎么读(音标):[ˈbɛtər ɔf]

用法:better off作为一个短语,通常用来描述某人或某物的状况比之前更好。它可以作为形容词短语或副词短语使用。

better off是什么意思? better off翻译(中文文):状况好

例句1:After winning the lottery, he was better off financially and could afford to buy a new house.


例句2:I am better off without him in my life. (中文:没有他在我生活中,我过得更好。)

例句3:The company is better off investing in new technology instead of sticking to old methods. (中文:公司最好投资于新技术,而不是坚持旧方法。)

例句4:She realized that she was better off single than in a toxic relationship. (中文:她意识到单身比处在一段有毒的关系中要好。)

例句5:We are better off taking the longer route, as the shorter one is under construction. (中文:我们最好走更长的路线,因为较短的路线正在施工中。)


1. Well-off: 形容某人拥有足够财富和舒适生活的状态。

例句:She comes from a well-off family and has never had to worry about money. (中文:她出生在一个富裕的家庭,从来不用担心钱的问题。)

2. Prosperous: 形容某地区或经济繁荣、人民生活富裕。

例句:The city has become more prosperous since the opening of the new factory. (中文:自从新工厂开业以来,这个城市变得更加繁荣。)

3. Thriving: 形容某企业或行业发展良好、蓬勃发展。

例句:The tech industry is thriving in this city, attracting many young professionals. (中文:这个城市的科技行业发展迅速,吸引了许多年轻专业人士。)

4. Flourishing: 形容某事物茁壮成长、兴旺发达。

例句:With the support of the local community, the small business is now flourishing. (中文:在当地社区的支持下,这家小企业现在蓬勃发展。)


Better off是一个常用的短语,可以用来描述某人或某物的状况比之前更好。它可以作为形容词短语或副词短语使用,在口语和书面语中都很常见。与其同义词相比,better off更加通用且没有贬义色彩,可以用于各种场合。使用时需要注意上下文,避免歧义。


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