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belonging是什么意思? belonging翻译(中文文):附属品,

一:belonging是什么意思? belonging翻译(中文文):附属品, 的意思,指属于某人、组织或地方的物品或者人员。它可以是具体的物品,也可以是抽象的概念,家庭、团体、等。



belonging是什么意思? belonging翻译(中文文):附属品,

1. 表示某人拥有或属于某处、某物或某群体。:This book is my belonging.(这本书是我的财产)

2. 表示归属感或归属关系。:She has a strong sense of belonging to her hometown.(她对家乡有强烈的归属感)

3. 表示隶属关系。:The company is part of a larger conglomerate and has a strong sense of belonging to the group.(这家公司是一个更大的集团的一部分,并且对集团有强烈的隶属感)


1. This house is my only sense of belonging after moving to a new city.(搬到新城市后,这所房子是我唯一的归属感)

2. The lost dog was returned to its owner, who was overjoyed to see its safe return to its place of belonging.(迷失的狗被归还给主人,主人看到它安全回到家中感到欣喜)

3. The immigrant community has a strong sense of belonging to their cultural traditions and customs.(移民社区对自己的文化传统和习俗有强烈的归属感)

4. The belonging of the stolen goods to the suspect was confirmed by the fingerprints found on them.(通过在被盗物品上的指纹,确认了这些物品属于嫌疑人)

5. She felt a sense of belonging when she joined the volunteer group and found like-minded individuals who shared her passion for helping others.(当她加入志愿者团体,找到志同道合的人,分享她对帮助他人的热情时,她感到一种归属感)

五:同义词及用法,belonging的同义词包括ownership, possession, property等。它们都可以表示某物属于某人或者某处。:

1. The ownership of this land is disputed between two neighboring countries.

2. He takes great pride in his possession of a rare antique.

3. The company's properties include several factories and offices.



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