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belated什么意思? belated翻译(中文文):误期的, 迟来的

怎么读(音标): [bɪˈleɪtɪd]

用法: 形容词,指迟到或延误的,通常用来形容已经发生的事情晚于预期的时间。

例句1: His belated apology did little to make up for the damage he had caused. (他迟来的道歉并没有弥补他造成的伤害。)

belated什么意思? belated翻译(中文文):误期的, 迟来的

例句2: The belated arrival of the package was a disappointment to the recipient. (包裹迟到让收件人很失望。)

例句3: The government's belated response to the crisis was heavily criticized. (对危机的迟缓反应遭到了严厉批评。)

例句4: She sent a belated birthday card to her friend, apologizing for forgetting their special day. (她给朋友寄了一张迟来的生日卡,为忘记了这个特别的日子而道歉。)

例句5: The company's belated recognition of the need for change came too late, and they lost their competitive edge in the market. (公司对变革需求的迟来认识太晚了,导致他们在市场上失去了竞争优势。)

同义词及用法: delayed (延误的),tardy (迟到的),behind schedule (进度落后),overdue (过期的)

编辑总结: Belated是一个形容词,指某事物晚于预期的时间发生,通常用来形容迟到或延误的情况。它可以用来形容各种不同的事物,如道歉、回复、到达等。它的同义词包括delayed、tardy、behind schedule和overdue,但每个词都有自己的特定用法和含义。编辑建议在使用时注意上下文,选择最合适的词语来表达想要表达的意思。


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