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beat是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

一:beat是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典的意思:




beat是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典


1. 作为名词时,beat指的是敲打或打击的动作,也可以表示跳动的节奏。:

- The beat of the drum echoed through the valley. (鼓声在山谷中回荡。)

- The beat of his heart quickened as he saw her approaching. (他看到她走来时,心跳加快了。)

2. 作为动词时,beat有多种用法:

- 打败:defeat or overcome (someone or something)

:We managed to beat our compes and win the contract. (我们设法打败竞争对手,赢得了合同。)

- 敲打:strike (a person or an object) repeatedly

:He was beating the table with his fist in frustration. (他因失望而用拳头敲打桌子。)

- 跳动:move rhythmically

:The music was so infectious that everyone started beating their feet to the beat. (音乐非常感染人,每个人都开始跟着节奏踏步。)

- 拍打:make a regular or rhythmic sound

:The rain beat against the window all night. (雨水整晚都在窗户上拍打。)


1. The drummer kept the beat with his sticks, while the rest of the band played along. (鼓手用鼓棒保持节奏,而乐队的其他成员则跟着演奏。)

2. She beat her opponent in straight sets to win the tennis match. (她以直落两盘的比分击败了对手,赢得了网球比赛。)

3. The heart monitor showed a steady beat as the patient slept peacefully. (病人安详地睡着时,心率监测器显示出稳定的心跳。)

4. The children were beating their drums and singing songs as they paraded through the streets. (孩子们在街上时敲打着鼓,唱着歌曲。)

5. After years of hard work, she finally managed to beat her addiction and lead a sober life. (经过多年的努力,她终于战胜了瘾症,过上了清醒的生活。)


1. strike: 意为“击打、敲打”,与beat的意思相近,但更常用来指用手或物体打击某物。

2. rhythm: 意为“节奏、韵律”,与beat的意思相似,但更强调音乐或诗歌中的有规律的重复。

3. pulse: 意为“脉搏、心跳”,与beat的意思有一定的关联,但更专指生物体内部的有规律的跳动。

4. throb: 意为“跳动、悸动”,与beat的意思相近,但更强调强烈且有规律的跳动。

5. defeat: 意为“击败、战胜”,与beat作为动词时的用法相似,但更常用来指战胜某个对手或困难。




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