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beating什么意思? beating翻译(中文文):挫败, 打, 敲打


beating什么意思? beating翻译(中文文):挫败, 打, 敲打



1. The team suffered a beating in the final game of the season. (这支队伍在赛季最后一场比赛中遭受了挫败。)

2. The teacher gave him a beating for misbehaving in class. (老师因为他在课堂上行为不当而给了他一顿打。)

3. The beating of the drums could be heard from miles away. (鼓声可以从几英里外听到。)

4. The boxer was able to withstand his opponent's beating and win the match. (拳击手能够承受住对手的猛烈攻击并赢得比赛。)

5. She could feel her heart beating faster as she approached the finish line. (当她接近终点线时,她能感觉到自己的心跳加快。)


1. Defeat: 表示“失败、战败”,常用于比赛或战争等情况。

例句:The team suffered a defeat in the final game of the season.

2. Thrashing: 表示“痛打、重击”,常用于形容身体受到严重伤害。

例句:The boxer received a thrashing in the ring.

3. Pounding: 表示“猛击、重击”,常用于形容声音或心跳等。

例句:The pounding of the drums could be heard from miles away.

4. Beating up: 表示“殴打、毒打”,强调行为。

例句:The gang was arrested for beating up an innocent bystander.

5. Whipping: 表示“鞭打、抽打”,常用于形容体罚。

例句:The prisoner was punished by whipping.




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