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Baz的音标为 [bæz],读音为/bæz/。


1. 作为名词:


- His name is Baz.(他叫做巴兹。)

- The party was held at Baz's house.(聚会在巴兹家举行。)

2. 作为动词:

- The children were all baz-ing in the playground.(孩子们在操场上大声喧哗。)

- He was so drunk that he was just baz-ing nonsense.(他喝得太多,开始胡言乱语。)

3. 作为形容词:

- The baz music from the party next door kept me awake all night.(隔壁派对的嘈杂音乐让我整夜无眠。)

- I can't understand what he's saying, it's all baz talk.(我听不懂他在说什么,全是无意义的话。)


1. I can't believe Baz is coming to our party tonight.(我简直不敢相信巴兹今晚要来参加我们的派对。)

2. The street was filled with the sound of baz-ing cars and honking horns.(街上充斥着汽车的嘈杂声和喇叭声。)

3. The children were all running around, baz-ing and laughing loudly.(孩子们都在跑来跑去,大声喧哗着笑着。)

4. I couldn't make any sense of what he was saying, it was all just baz talk to me.(我完全听不懂他在说什么,对我来说都是无意义的话。)

5. Baz's new restaurant has become the talk of the town, everyone wants to try it out.(巴兹的新餐厅已经成为城里人谈论的话题,每个人都想去试一试。)


1. synonym: noise

- The baz from the construction site next door is driving me crazy.


2. synonym: chatter

- I couldn't concentrate on my work with all the baz and chatter in the office.


3. synonym: nonsense

- S talking baz, I can't understand a word you're saying.


4. synonym: uproar

- The baz from the concert next door was so loud that I couldn't even hear myself think.


5. synonym: hubbub

- The baz of the busy marketplace was overwhelming, I could barely hear myself think.





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