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bass是什么意思? bass翻译(中文文):低音部, 男低音, hellip




bass是什么意思? bass翻译(中文文):低音部, 男低音,  hellip


1. 作为名词,bass通常指乐器中的低音部分或者男歌手中的男低音。:

- The bass in this song is really powerful. (这首歌中的低音非常有力。)

- He has a deep bass voice. (他有一种深沉的男低音声线。)

2. 作为形容词,bass可以用来形容声音或者乐器发出的声音。:

- The bass guitar produces a low, rich sound. (贝斯吉他发出低沉、丰富的声音。)

- She has a beautiful bass voice. (她有一种美妙的低沉声线。)


1. The bass line in this song is so catchy, it's stuck in my head.


2. He plays the bass guitar in a band and also sings as the lead vocalist.


3. The bass in this speaker is not as strong as the one in the other model.


4. The bass singer's voice resonated throughout the concert hall.


5. The deep bass of the thunder scared the children.



1. low-pitched: 低音的,低沉的

- The low-pitched sound of the bass drum added depth to the music.


2. baritone: 男中音,男中音歌手

- His voice is not quite a bass, but more like a baritone.


3. deep: 深沉的,浑厚的

- The deep bass of his voice was soothing to listen to.


4. low-frequency: 低频率的

- This speaker has a good range of low-frequency response, perfect for playing bass-heavy music.





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